WOW February 16th to 22nd

Laugh about, live and enjoy being over 50, or talk about those over 50 even if you're not, because aging doesn't have to be a chore.

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young at heart
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by young at heart »

LOL Bossman! No they didn't use a bowl and I didn't let them cut very much anyway:) Hi to everyone out there! I decided to get a body perm for long hair also:) Not curly curl, mostly the body and some curl:) So its a bit of hair now:) Had one maybe 13 yrs. ago. Anyway, went son's later and I was about to go home and he noticed on a friend's FB page that he had posted to Craigslist a 1993 4 wheel Chevy heavy duty truck so I said lets go look at it! It was in next town which is right next to that one, so not far, and guy wasn't home but son checked out the truck and he called the guy and anyway, bought the truck right away for $950. Dh needs one so bad and for this year, this is in great condition, been in garage a lot before I think, and the guy had all papers of everything he did to it etc., newer tires, batteries and the parts he had just put in within the last yr. but he got a very good job now and bought a new one. So he took it off CL very fast:) Drove it to son's house and Dh and I went up and he got the license, title, ins. done and he drove it home:) So he Should be happy, hard to tell sometimes but he did say it was in great condition:) I stayed up town longer of course:) Got a few groceries but going to the woman's health expo at hospital tomorrow and hoping I will be going Marq. to stay the night to see the lake finally after that. If DIL goes to her parents house, and son is gone with other son and friend to GB to see their friend who their standing up for in Aug. for his wedding. So glad I took Sat. off from work:) Its cloudy and about 50 degree's most of today and I'm hoping nicer tomorrow. Better charge up camera batteries also. I hope you are all having a very nice day and enjoy the weekend as much as possible!! So cute to see the bunny MO:) I know there are some around but I never catch them and Dh see's them at his garage across the highway but I don't go there. I hope you are feeling good today also Sue? Have a great weekend and ME day all! take care, yah :wave: :wink:
Alabama 1
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by Alabama 1 »

Happy Sunday everyone .

Yah, sounds like a great deal on that Truck and the price was very good.

I use to get perms a lot when I was younger and working but now I just do it myself except for a hair cut .

We have had baby bunnies in our back yard also. The first year we were here we found out the hard way . DH was cutting the grass and they jumped out of their what ever it is called. Tunnel in the ground . Luckily he saw them and was able to stop the mower .

Had a great time with Son and Daughter Saturday . Went to the Spring Fling which is rides for kids and lots of food and crafts. Enjoy looking at the crafts and am looking for something but they did not have it. I am looking for a Mr Wilson . If you all ever saw Tool Time , Mr Wilson always talked to Tim over the fence and you could only see his head and eyes . Will there is a Wooden Mr Wilson with sits on the top of your fence peering over. That is what I am looking for. I know someone that makes them and I had ask him to make me one but instead he made one and gave it to Marie. Still waiting on mine. LOL> I think I need to check out Pinterest maybe fine one there.

Enjoyed your wedding pictures Sue, I ran across mine or a couple of them the other day . Wow , that was a long time ago . We will be celebrating our 50th soon. Can't believe we have been together since Juniors in High School .

Glad to read that you all had a great Mothers day. I know I have been neglecting Wow lately but will try and do better this coming week.

Mo , sounded like a fun time with your DD .

Well I am off for a while. Got Dinner all done and ready to put in the Oven so a nice chore free rest of the day.
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »

Morning ladies,

LOL about the bowl on the head Bossman, brother came home one time looking like one of those cuts....he had the "Beatles" look back then as he was born in 63....

YAH glad the hair cut and perm went well and so happy all went well with the truck purchase too. A great deal. Plus you got to have a nice day for yourself...always a plus.

Oh Bama, I see you have baby bunnies in your yard too. Had bunnies and lots of animals when we first moved to Long Island and especially after dad and I planted our garden...we loved romaine and so did the rabbits LOL

OMG so glad hubby was able to stop.

So glad you had a nice time with your son and daughter and the Spring Fling sounds like a blast. OMG yes Bama, we are still getting seasons of Home Improvement and love Mr. Wilson. Oh Bama, hope that person makes one for you soon.

Yeah a long time Bama, and you are about 10 years more than us.

Well off to get day started,

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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by Fitafter50 »

Hello, WOWsters,

Goodness, Bama, I'm glad your DH was able to stop the mower so the bunnies could get safely away. I remember a girl in HS talking about running over snakes with the lawn mower--that gave me the heebie jeebies, but bunnies would be way worse. Glad you had a good time on Sat.; it's always fun to spend time with the kids. Hope you can get your Mr Wilson! Wow, 50 years is impressive, Bama! :thumb:

Did you take a picture of your hair, YAH? I haven't had a perm in decades. I always liked them for about 3 weeks and then they'd start fading and I'd end up with frizzies and damaged hair. Sounds like a great deal on the truck! Hope your DH eventually lets you know he appreciates it. :tongue: Did you get to the health expo then?

Oh, sorry about the home movies, Sue, I misunderstood. Did you end up getting rain? mom said they got 8" in the past week! They had a little creek running through their yard. :tongue:

It's a cool, damp day here so I am doing some baking. As soon as the sweet potatoes are done, I'm heading out to the garden to plant some lettuce, spinach and kale seeds and herb seedlings. I transplanted tomato, pepper and cabbage seedlings yesterday. It's the new moon, so a good time to get all that done. :)

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
young at heart
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by young at heart »

Just to say HI and hope you all had a nice weekend! I did as I was in Marq. by the big lake of course:) Not much sleep but thats ok:) Got called in this morning but didn't go as I hated to risk foot aching more and do not want to call in on scheduled day tomorrow. Now I of course am thinking I should have gone :?
Mo, yes I did get to the health expo:) Didn't sign up for a 10 min. massage when I got there so missed out as they were all filled out later :o Did get a top exam and b/p and weight :) I thought b/p would be really high as I had coffee etc. before and was feeling like it was high but it turned out just 115/68 so not bad. I will be silent on weight one :bugeyes: Happy planting there! Wish I had a tiny plot that someone made ready for me but none here. Hope to at least get a few tomato plants later on that are already going. I keep trying :D I had a body perm so not a curly one although right now it is a bit of curl and frizzy too! Not sure what to do with all of it:) It usually goes up anyway cause its hot on neck. I missed the sunset in Marq. cause I didn't realize the sun set at 9:15 p.m! I had been by there at 8 and went to the house, and after 9 I thought it sure is still bright outside and looked it up and figured it was too late to make it to the sunset spot:) Went Walmart instead later so not so many people there:) I think a lot more were out though cause Sat. night it was 60's and very nice. We had thunder last night and cooled off now and might even be some snow tomorrow, and then a little more warming up again. Hope your temps stay good there.
Bama, yes, glad the bunnies were safe as I've heard of the other side of it :( Glad you got to have a nice walk also!
The Spring fling sounds fun and I did want to get to the craft sale here but never got to Marq. that weekend. Sounds like a cute thing to have over the fence then:) I always was waiting for him to see his face which we finally did I believe or I know who he was on Home Improvement.
Sue, hope your ME day was great and you are feeling better too and your throat or voice is back to normal? Best wishes on your day out on Wed. also iof I don't get back here. I have more heavy lifting and more walking with the 2 closets to fill up tomorrow so thats why I hated to use leg too much today. But it might have worked out. Now I'm feeling a bit sorry I didn't answer the 2nd time. I should know Monday's. Son's had a good time in GB and DIL and kids and dog enjoyed her parents also all weekend. So they both got some rests I guess. Everyone have a great evening and some good sleep's too! Lets hope the weather is comfortable and I am still waiting for any blossoms here. :wave:
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »

Hi ladies,

Oh Molasses, no worries on the home movies and I am so jealous of that garden....mmmm such yummy stuff.

So glad to hear your weekend was such a good one, YAH. I love when you are able to go out and about to the places you like so much.
Plus so glad you got the health expo too. Great BP readings too. HUGS on the weight one, we have all been there, done that in our lives. Again sorry to hear you missed the sunset.

Yes, "me day" was nice even if I didn't get steam....more in weekly email...not quite yet back to normal....keep hoping. Thanks on our trip....I will send the GROCERY REPORT.....

Oh no on the heavy lifting and closets especially with your leg being how it is.....sending a boat load of feel better vibes. You too, hope you get a good night's rest and go to Flickr as I put up some flower pics too....

Well off to breathing, meds and nap....

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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by Fitafter50 »

YAH, just wanted to give you a quick idea that I saw in a magazine--you buy a bag of dirt, slice a few cuts in the bottom, put it in your yard and then cut a hole in the top to pop a tomato plant in. Apparently the roots will find their way into the ground and you'll have a mini-garden. :D Your BP sounds perfect--good for you! Sending healthy, "happy feet" thoughts your way!

Sending healthy thoughts your way, too, Sue.

Have a great day, WOWsters~
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »

Morning ladies,

Oh what a great tip Molasses and thanks for the healthy thoughts, also.

Well off to eat, dust, make a list, move around stuff in closet and the list goes on....


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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »

Hi ladies....

I am back "the demon seed is back" (let you all contemplate that one and the movie it's from LOL....and enjoy this

A thing of beauty....makes heart go pitter patter and OMG I WANT TO DRIVE IT.....


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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by Boss Man »

No good will come out of lusting for old school bad boys car I tell you, no good :tongue:
young at heart
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by young at heart »

Hi, just a quick good night note and do hope you all are enjoying better weather where you are? We had snow! Just hoping the few days of cold weather didn't hurt the buds and all :( I did make it through work luckily but still aching leg. Just praying for it to go back to normal :bugeyes: Glad your shopping trip went great Sue also and hoping you feel better also as the day goes along and get some good sleep too. Wow, what a nice car :clap: Love it! Thats why I go to some of the oldie car shows and the Buzz the Gut (which means cruising around the block) etc., just to see the old cars and remember when I drove a lot of them and all the memories :thumb: And they sure held up better also!
Mo, thanks for the tip! another way to do it I guess:) Not buying a plant yet since who knows if the snow is gone? Hope your enjoying your gardening now also. Di, if you are on at all, hoping your very much doing your happy yard work and all also?
And Bama's grass is probably growing too fast also right? No mowing yet here. I want to see the dandelion's for a while since their all the flowers I can see. Off to bed and hoping no call in as I work on Fri. Dh put on his tailpipe so can't hear his new '93' truck now. He works half a day tomorrow. I'll be working Memorial Day but hope to go walk or see the cemetary later. Have a very peaceful night and some good sleep's also! :wave:
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »

Yes it does Bossman, especially when you are a gal who is more tomboy than girl and gets along better with the "boys" than the girls cause you can work on the cars, drive the cars and bet some of those "bad boys" in their own cars LOL

Plus getting your old "bad boy" car too.

Sorry about the weather, YAH and yes I do know "Buzz the Gut" LOL Yup they sure did hold up better and NO computers to mess stuff up. We could them themselves and not have to pay a mechanic more than Chuck's cardiologist costs for a visit.

Well off to nap time....


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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »



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Boss Man
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by Boss Man »

Thanksgiving is also an excuse for Americans to hog out on turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin based edibles :tongue:.

Although of course the respect for people who fell on battlefields in America's name, should be the primary component / motivation of such a day, but the hogging out on a meat and pumpkin based feast, seems to have permeated into the original zeitgeist.

I do wonder though if the first ever Thanksgiving, ever emphasised the trend for replicating a full on Christmas dinner or not.
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Re: WOW February 16th to 22nd

Post by whenlifewassimpler »


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